Sunday, July 30, 2006



I can't believe it! It went by so fast. You guys are all so awesome and I am ditto-ing on the whole email and AIM thing, even though I sadly rarely ever get on AIM. It was soooooo much fun getting to know all of you guys and I hope to be able to see you again (hopefully at STC next year if I can go). I got some really great memories, quotes, and pictures from this and it was a great experience.

I feel like I'm going to cry :( .

Love ya!


P.S. My screename is dnttouchthahur

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


though, becoming a professional actor isn't in my plan for life, I really appreciate that Ian took the time to do Audition work. And though i've learned and fermented so many fundamentals, ideas, truths, and knowledge concerning the theatre within this program this year, I think the audition work was individually most helpful. And I always enjoy seeing professional actors do their thing in an intimate environment like Ian did today-- so hats off to Ian!

Bethany -- merci pour le café ce matin, tu m'as mis plus heureux que j'étais quand j'avais arrivé!

Friday, July 21, 2006


I haven't posted in while so I am now!!

Erin- I got some random Spanish article too...what kind of a link is that?

Even though this may be a little late, I also really liked the animal thingy. It was cool just letting myself become the animal that I was just supposed to be.

I'm glad I went off book even though I'm still not completely sure on the Lady M speech because it's just so random! Well, as long as I rant crazily I should be ok.

I doubt Bethany will be able to fit my pants. I will bring them anyways though.

Every time I do any type of breathing exercise my fingers start hurting and tensing and I feel... sick? That's the closest word I could think of. But yeah, I don't know why. I'm just weird (NO REALLY!!!).

I am really enjoying myself at STC and love the way the play is coming together. Everyone is just sooooo talented. Good job you guys!!!!!


P.S. I love Lisa's pimp costume. Hilarious!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

So like did anyone understand any central point that this guy was trying to make?? I mean I respect his opinions and viewpoints and I appreciate that he came to teach us what he knows but the manner in which he chose to instruct us was incredibly ambiguous and scattered. I mean if we're to imagine that all the oxygen molecules were clay compounds, then how could we even breath? And if we're told to imagine that there is a lump of clay in our hands and supposed to mold it, then how are we to move our hands outwardly and move like a rag doll-- what in the hell? And the flying, molding, and floating thing is strange in itself. And the ball thing has little to do with acting and focus as much as ergonomical diligence and practice ---- "isn't that why we're all actors instead of athletes?" quoth Sam (the rational male one) ---- Speaking of which, my female Sam was Sam (once again, the rational male one) with that 80's talk-show host wig on which made me laugh. So Stanislavsky's approach mutated somehow through Chekov's approach and then through our guest today.

I apologize if this is in any way rude or offensive to anyone, but i'm simply airing my opinion.

Love ya everyone
-- BrAd

Monday, July 17, 2006

So what I learned today...
That stage really hurts!!! But I love playing crazy people so today was a great day of blocking for me!!! Can't wait for tomorrow or any day for that matter!! I love exclamation points!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Ok, I'm done with my craziness for today, just had to get that out of my system.



Thursday, July 13, 2006

This play is really coming together. The hats are awesabulous and I am sure the costumes will be too. That's really all I have to say. So... Bye!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I had been missing a certain dose of insanity so far this summer and I am pleased to say that you guys have definitely solved that. In fact, I think I have now overdosed (if you could ever have too much insanity). But really, you guys rock my socks and are completely awesabulous. Can't wait for tomorrow, or the rest of STC for that matter!!!

Luv Ya All!!!!


Friday, July 07, 2006


Welcome to STC's Actor Forum. So... what the heck is this?

Well, as much as I hate to admit it, the only way we can really cement what we learn is by reflecting on it (my brother is a psychologist and has told me this, so I know it's true). This forum provides a place to basically "journal" about what you encounter each day in class or rehearsal, to write about discoveries and ask questions. It needn't be all positive either. Expressing trouble with a concept or dislike of an exercise is just as valuable.

The other use of the forum is so that we can communicate about what we're doing in Life Outside. Are you doing another show you'd like us to come see? Post it here. Is there a movie out that you think we should all watch? Post it here. It's an easy way to let everyone know what's going on, so read and post regularly.

And eat your vegetables.
